After the intensity of Eclipse Season + Scorpio Season in the rear-view mirror, December comes in like a revitalizing breeze of new energy. November was heavy but with Jupiter now direct in Pisces and the Sun, Mercury + Venus all in Sagittarius, there is optimism and a fresh perspective carrying us into the end of the year. 

 After Eclipse Season, there is always this feeling like the slate has been wiped clean, as we watched certain aspects or mindsets of our lives, exit stage left. There’s room to build something new, as Sagittarius season eases us into change, and encourages us to stand in our authentic truth.

 Although the energy of Mars Retrograde still feels slow and uncertain, Neptune stations direct in Pisces on 12/3 and adds some forward motion into the mix. Over the past 6-months of retrograde, our intuition felt disconnected, leaving us to rely more on our instincts to guide us. Now, as our intuitive abilities regain strength, decisions can feel easier to navigate. With Jupiter + Neptune both direct in Pisces, you may notice an uptick of signs, symbols and dreams offering extra guidance from your subconscious. 

 The first week of December brings a transition of fire to earth, as Mercury enters Capricorn on 12/6, with Venus following suit on 12/9. Our communication becomes less idealistic and impulsive, and more reserved and logic based. Facts matter most, as we plan, organize and consolidate our thoughts and interactions based off of rationality, leaving emotions out of the equation. However, there is a chance that we come across as  a little cold or detached, so you may want to pay extra attention to your delivery when handling emotion-based topics.

 As Venus joins Mercury in Capricorn, we take a serious approach to love and finances. In Capricorn, Venus understands that relationships take work, and she’s willing to put in the effort and necessary discipline to create long- lasting connections. Is she super fun here? Nope, not really, but she is loyal and responsible with the love she gives to another. During this transit we approach our finances from a conservative view, making this a good time to review budgets and spending habits, especially as the holidays approach. We want quality, not quantity. 

 The Full Moon in 16º Gemini illuminates the sky on 12/7 and is the first Full Moon out of Eclipse Season. A mutable T-square forms, bringing big energy and pressure, causing internal and external tensions. The Moon’s exact alignment with Mars retrograde opposes the Sun and squares Neptune, illuminating simmering frustrations, knee-jerk reactions and confusing scenarios. While triggers are likely to occur, Chiron Rx harmonizes with the Sun + Moon, bringing energetic opportunities to heal from what once was a deep wound. With the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in opposition, we aim to find balance between rational thought and higher-minded concepts. 

 During this lunation, Jupiter sits at her last degree of 29º Pisces, prompting us to think about how our deeper connection to our intuition and compassion has evolved our personal philosophies over the past two years. By 12/20, Jupiter makes his final exit from Pisces and moves back into Aries. When it comes to our personal authenticity, independence and goals, the spiciness of this fire energy inspires us to assert ourselves more aggressively towards our ambitions.

 On 12/21, we welcome in Capricorn Season and the Winter Solstice. As the vision of our aims  took shape during Sagittarius Season, we now can hand off those big ideas to Capricorn so that they can be manifested in the material world. For many of us, the days are dark and long but the cardinal energy of Capricorn pushes us along, helping us take on the workload during the dark days of winter. The actions we take now are formatted to create longevity and quality, there are no shortcuts here. We keep our eyes on the prize as we organize and streamline, using logic and creating structure. This season is dedicated to the hard work, persistence and leadership that goes on behind the scenes. 

 The New Moon in 1º Capricorn kick starts a new 28-day cycle on 12/23, the same day Chiron, the asteroid known as “the wounded healer”, stations direct motion after 5 months of retrograde. During this time of introspection, an area of our life requires focus, discipline and maturity, as we focus on our long-term goals and work towards the next level. The Moon squares Jupiter and creates an energy of “overdoing” if we don’t practice restraint. As you set your intentions and plant your seeds of manifestation, lean into that steady, consistent, Capricorn energy.

 As we approach the final days of 2022, we close out the year as Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on 12/29, where he will travel backwards until 1/18/23. The 4th Mercury Rx of 2022, slides in at the last moments, bringing slowdowns, mishaps and miscommunication. To make the most of this energy, review and assess where you are and where you need to be, especially as it pertains to your career, ambitions and public status.  The more dysfunction you experience, the more need there is to slow down and take stock of what is and is not working. 

 For many of us, this year has been intense in both our inner and outer worlds. Truths have surfaced as the world around us revealed political, environmental and personal challenges that have been simmering for a long time. As we close out another year, and enter another period of slowing down, we have time to reflect and process all of that deep, Capricorn wisdom that can only be gained through the timeline of experience. 

 See you in 2023!

With love, 


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